Film photography - from 2021 to 2023

The soul of Paris

wonderful, alive, exciting and beautiful, yet sometimes perceived as sad and depressing, this ambiguous city holds a special place in my heart. it is where i was born and grew up for 20 years of my life, and a place where i cant’ help but frequently go back to since i moved out.

here are a few photographs that i hope can express the feelings i have experienced while roaming around the streets and areas of paris during the past few years, as well as some portraits of parisians who crossed my path.

store facades.

film stock: ilford delta 3200

time passing by…

service continu.

the people.

film stocks: ilford delta 3200 / kodak gold 200 (edited to b&w)

the bouquinistes are an iconic aspect of paris, taking a strong part in the charming side of the city.

situated all along the quais de seine (riverbanks), on both parts of the river, they are second-hand and antiquarian book sellers. This tradition started during the 16th century with traveling book sellers who would set up stalls while traveling from town to town.

it has always been a passion of mine to walk along those green wooden stalls, sometimes leaving with a precious old book that drew my attention.

spring 2022

film stock: ilford delta 400

a couple on the passerelle leopold-sedar-senghor, february 2021.

film stock: kodak gold 200


Corners of Rome


Faces of Senegal